There are more than 2,000 storm water utilities across 39 U.S. states, and more are being formed each year. They play an important role in the communities they serve, focusing on managing impacts of storm water runoff on the community and the environment. Storm water utilities provides municipalities with dedicated, fee-based funding available exclusively for storm water management purposes.
The City and County of Honolulu has begun a community engagement process to review options for establishing a storm water utility for Oahu.
Hawaiian Language Display
The City and County of Honolulu honors the Hawaiian language and its use of diacritical marks, the glottal stop and the macron (okina and kahako). While we use these marks in our communication materials, we have omitted them in our online platforms as they are often limited in their ability to display these marks.
To determine when diacritical marks should be used, refer to Hawaiian Dictionary and Place Names of Hawaii, published by UH Press.